Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Community Information


April 2017 - WCRA Withdraws from ACRA

Email sent to Sue Bungey, ACRA Chairman

Breach of ACRA Constitution

WCRA has discussed your actions whilst acting as ACRA Chairman, particularly the sending of letters under the ACRA name without first showing drafts to all ACRA members, which is a clear breach of paragraph 11 of the ACRA Constitution:

Management by Consensus: all subjects considered by the Members must achieve consensus as to any action to be taken

And your reply when asked for an explanation:

I am afraid I do not have the time or inclination to send drafts to everyone asking for their individual comments and will not be doing so in the future.

The WCRA committee are unable to accept this behaviour and attitude and do not believe this represents the values that WCRA would wish to be associated with.

This new method of working means that any recipient of an ACRA letter must first ask exactly which organisations ACRA are representing at any given time. What they can't assume is that the whole membership supports or even knows about what is being done in its name.

WCRA has given you an opportunity to change your stance and to revert to obtaining full consensus by sending draft copies of letters to members and obtaining their consent before any future letter is sent. You have decided not to accept that offer.

WCRA is therefore withdrawing its support for ACRA with immediate effect. As of now you may not suggest or indicate to anybody that we are members of ACRA or that we in any way support its aims and objectives. We will inform CBC so that they can update their records.


Discussion with Ian Milner CBC Strategic Director - September 2016

Local Government Reorganisation - ACRA Financial Analysis

CBC Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy

Roeshot Hill Gravel Extraction - non technical summary
     Application details with Hampshire county council

Consultation on the provisional Local Government Financial Settlement
    The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP's letter to Chris Chope MP - 8th February 2016
    Chris Chope MP's letter to ACRA - 7th February 2016

ACRA Notes on the Town Centre Strategy - December 2015

Local Government Reorganisation - ACRA Letter to Cllr Ray Nottage - 30th November 2015

CCA Meeting Notes - 9th November 2015

Informal Meeting with CBC-EDDC Directorate - 3rd November 2015

Meeting between DCC Cllr Robert Gould and Jim Biggin of ACRA - 29th October 2015

Meeting with Martyn Underhill - 7th July 2015

Meeting between DCC Cllr Robert Gould and Jim Biggin of ACRA - 27th May 2015

Informal Meeting with CBC Directorate - 29th April 2015

Dorset Police Meeting with ACRA - 4th March 2015

Meeting between DCC Cllr Robert Gould and Jim Biggin of ACRA - 4th November 2014

Informal Meeting with CBC Directorate - October 2014

ACRA Written Representation Regarding Navitus Bay - September 2014

Informal Meeting with CBC Directorate - April 2014

Meeting between DCC Cllr Robert Gould and Jim Biggin of ACRA - 2nd April 2014

Informal Meeting with DCC - February 2014

ACRA Meeting with Martyn Underhill - February 2014

Pre 2014 documents

Alliance of Christchurch Residents' Associations

For many years Christchurch Borough has been well served by a small group of active Residents' Associations. From Highcliffe to West Christchurch we work to maintainChristchurch as a place where time is pleasant, either working individually or in unison.

In recent times our most successful joint campaign ended in Dorset County Council scrapping plans to build a hugely expensive waste processing plant at Hurn. Each year we met with the Chief Executive of Christchurch Council and his key colleagues to the mutual benefit of all parties. It was for example these meetings that led directly to Christchurch Council taking a far more active interest in the rate of erosion of Hengistbury Head.

The decision by East Dorset and Christchurch Councils to merge large parts of their administrations presented us with an issue. Senior Council Officers that had previously only had Christchurch to worry about would now be thinking in addition about Corfe Mullen, Ferndown and Wimborne. The immediate impact of that change might be to reduce the clout of the Christchurch organisations.

To investigate the viability of other options we entered into talks with various bodies to explore the possibility of forming a new umbrella organisation that would represent East Dorset residents as well as those from Christchurch. We were surprised to discover that East Dorset had very few Residents Associations and believe that this is because there are so many local Councils such as Ferndown that people don't see the need for such representation. Of course the Localism Bill, if it becomes an Act, may in time change that perception.

Many of the groups tend to be single issue ginger groups. We met several of them and attempted for a trial period of some six months to work with them. However it became apparent that the different approach to dealing with Councillors and Council Officers adopted by some of them did not fit with our attempts to build mutually beneficial relationships.

Reluctantly we decided to drop the idea of including East Dorset and to restrict our activities to Christchurch whilst establishing improved links with Hurn and Burton Parish Councils. From our limited experience of dealing with the new merged administration we do not now believe that this will disadvantage the residents of Christchurch. We will keep this decision under review and if a Localism Act changes the situation we may resurrect the idea of bringing Christchurch and East Dorset groups together.

Jim Biggin


April 2011