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Chairperson - Sue Fotheringham

Your Residents Association Newsletter

Community Matters - January 2023

We are run by a committee of volunteers and a team of helpers who give their time free of charge in an effort to protect the environment that we all enjoy whilst living in this beautiful area
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
If you can't see our logo above and at the end of the newsletter, make sure you have clicked the link to download pictures


What's on in Libraries
Local elections - photo ID required
Bus fares capped
Transforming Travel
3rd Christchurch Brownies
Christchurch u3a news
Christchurch Town Council
BCP Council Update
Planning Applications

Links and Contacts

If you want to read the newsletter as a Word document, click here

Happy New Year to all the residents of Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill

The Committee look forward to keeping you informed and being as actively involved as possible in the decisions that affect Christchurch. As local town councillors, your Chairperson and another member of the committee continue to provide an important link in community matters. I'd like to thank everybody who has enabled the Residents Association to survive and look forward to 2023.
Sue Fotheringham
What's On in Libraries is back with a full and varied programme of events and activities for everyone. Click on the image above for a pdf version of the leaflet or pick one up from your local library.

A warm welcome in libraries
Find a warm welcome in your local library when it's cold outside. Visit one of our 24 libraries for space to sit and read, study or meet new friends. As well as our What's On programme, all libraries have regular events and activities for all ages, including wriggle & rhyme, storytimes and crafts for children, reading groups, coffee mornings and games and crafts for adults. We can also help you get online and there is free wifi available.
Libraries are free and there's one near you. Come and find out more.

Volunteer as a BCP BookTokker!
We are excited to launch this new project for young volunteers (aged 14-18). Our BCP BookTok groups will work together to create fresh, exciting content for our TikTok channel.
This is a great chance for young people to develop skills, meet new people and support their local community. Please do share this opportunity with any young people who may be interested!
Applicants must be aged 14-18, able to travel to/from Bournemouth OR Poole Library, and available for volunteering weekly between March and August 2023.

BCP residents urged to check their photo ID ahead of May's local elections

Voters in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area will need to show an accepted form of photographic identification at this year’s local elections.

The requirement to show photo ID at the polling station is a new condition, introduced under the UK Government’s Elections Act, which comes into effect for the first time this May.

BCP Council is urging Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole residents to make sure they are ready to vote in 2023’s local elections by checking now for an accepted form of ID and bringing it with them to the polling station in May.

BCP Council 
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Local bus service partner Morebus, joins Government capped £2 single fare scheme

To help with the cost-of-living pressures and to encourage more people to take sustainable travel, the Government is subsidising most single bus fares, capping them to just £2 for the first three months of 2023.
BCP Council’s bus service partner, Morebus has joined this scheme and is offering tickets capped at £2 for the full duration from 1 January to 31 March 2023.
Further details of how the scheme works can be found on the Morebus web site at the link below.
Find out about the Morebus single bus fair capped at £2 scheme

South East Dorset Transforming Cities Fund - latest annual newsletter now available 

The south east Dorset Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme team has published its annual newsletter detailing the progress made in rolling out sustainable travel improvements across the region.
It's packed with information, links and videos about all the walking, cycling and bus improvements that have been completed, are currently underway and which will be starting soon. 
The newsletter is available here.

Happy New Year everyone

from 3rd Christchurch Brownies

We had a very busy term leading up to Christmas, helping the Parks foundation with the Jumpers Common nature project by planting trees on Jumpers Common, making up small Christmas packages for children whose families use the Foodbank at St Josephs and trying out Baking skills.

We finished the term by decorating biscuits and took “the Snowman” as our theme and story. The results of which you can see in the picture.

I am not at all sure whether or not the snowmen made it home!

It was far too tempting to give them a taste testing just to make sure they would pass muster.


2023 will see the Unit celebrating its 70th birthday. It was 1953 when our unit first opened in Priory School, Christchurch and we are very excited and looking forward to going on a Pack Holiday, where we all stay in a house together, for a weekend and have lots of fun adventures, and of course a midnight feast!

We are wondering whether any of you have a story about brownies that you would like to share with us? Were you a brownie with 3rd Christchurch? We would like to hear from you. Email

Best wishes to you all for a Happy and healthy 2023.

Annette Bowden  

3rd Christchurch Brownies


Our President, Norman Richards, celebrated his 100th birthday on 28 December 2022.

In 1987 Norman set up Swindon U3A and was its Vice Chair for three years and it's Chair for seven years. Norman was made Life President of Swindon U3A in 1997.
Soon after relocating from Swindon, Wiltshire to Christchurch during 1998 fate and a passion for classical music would entwine, each playing a part in introducing Norman and his wife Pauline to Christchurch U3A. Norman soon became the Chair of Christchurch u3a.

The "Epicentre", Christchurch U3A offices located in Druitt Approach, was acquired through the commitment of the Committee members of the day. This was lead by the negotiation and persuasive skills of Norman with Christchurch Housing Association, Christchurch Borough Council, Dorset County Council and other local voluntary organizations, made possible this invaluable asset for all of Christchurch U3A members. The facility was officially opened on Wednesday 31st. July 2002 by the Mayor of Christchurch, Councillor Sally Derhams Wilkes, along with a number of the representatives of those organizations that that had assisted in making the "Epicentre" a valued reality.

For more information about the courses we offer and our monthly talks see our website Christchurch U3A

Our next talk is on Mon, Feb 13th at 2.00pm at Christchurch Baptist Church

"What Not to Say to a Guitar Hero"
Michael Heatley interviewed the world's best, from Hank Marvin (twice!) through Joe Brown and Peter Green to Gary Moore and Slash. There will also be music........
As a Resident's Association we would like to keep you informed by the councillors who are acting on behalf of their residents' ward. We don't wish this to be viewed as supporting any political party but merely to support those who support you. Our Newsletter will include information about individuals and their goals to support JSCH.
Sue Fotheringham (Chair)
Viv Charrett - Christchurch Town Councillor
Viv has created a Facebook page to highlight specifically the work of the Town Council and, as Deputy Mayor this year to Mayor Councillor Avril Coulton, to show some of the events that the mayors are invited to. They are there to represent the people of Christchurch at Civic occasions and also to help promote local causes.
Some people may say that this is anachronistic in this modern age. However there has been a Mayor in Christchurch since 1297 so the traditions go back a long way, and many people also very much value the historical nature and traditions of the town, and I am delighted to be able to be a part of that.

Viv would love you to "Like" this page and maybe share, so that we can start to explain a little more to those who are unaware, of what the Mayor and Deputy Mayor do!
The Mayor cut the ribbon on one of our new Platinum Jubilee benches, on the Quomps, next to Councillor Colin Bungey’s tree. The Town Council have also placed two more benches at Druitt Gardens and Mudeford Recreation Ground.




HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, and we will continue to keep you updated on Ward issues.


We have received numerous emails and phone calls regarding the current traffic issues in Christchurch and we share your frustration and anger that Christchurch has once again been crippled by road works.

Vanessa has been working with the Town Council to arrange a meeting with Southern Gas Network to hold them to account, but we want to do more!

A Relief Road has long been mooted and last considered in 2016 when an Options Study was carried out by Dorset County Council. A preferred route costing £76m was not followed up due to considerable environmental constraints. We feel a full up to date traffic study of Christchurch is needed in order to have the evidence to work to find alternative routes or to investigate Relief Road options again.

The utilities infrastructure around the centre of Christchurch is decaying and a holistic approach is needed regarding repairs, especially with the likely increase in traffic from the planned Roeshot Hill Development, Bargates Development and the future Roeshot quarry traffic, all of which will be using Barrack Road or Fairmile to get to Bournemouth or the A338 Spur Road. We are passionate that action needs to be taken now.


Beach Hut Charges

We previously reported that on 14th December 2022 the BCP Council Cabinet was to discuss a drastic increase in charges for Council Beach Huts. Having been contacted by residents, Margaret attended that meeting and spoke against the huge increases which were proposed. Representatives from Beach Hut Associations and other Cllrs. also spoke in opposition. Nevertheless, the increases were passed unanimously by the Cabinet.

Some of the increases for beach hut owners and tenants are 2.5% times the rate of inflation in the first year and by as much as 130% over 5 years. It seems clear that last year, when Government forbade the BCP council administration from selling off the its beach hut assets, in what they termed the dodgy deal, these alternative proposals have been rushed through to still allow the sweating of the asset. It looks to us as if those with Council beach huts across the whole of BCP are being unfairly penalised in a bid by the administration to recover some of that money.

This unfair proposal did not come before any Council Scrutiny Committee and it is not planned for the Cabinet decision to come to full Council for ratification either. The administration has decided. A much fairer approach would be a rate of inflation 10% increase for council beach huts across BCP in the first year, to be followed by a proper and inclusive consultation to review future years.


BCP Standards

Vanessa continues her work on Standards Committee which has considered 10 complaints so far this year and will be reviewing another 10 before the formal Standards Committee on 17 January. At present the board is having to meet every 4 weeks just to keep up with the demand. This is not a good reflection on the conduct and perceived poor behaviour of Councillors by residents. 


BCP Government Loan

Following the failure to raise money from the “dodgy” beach hut sale (mentioned above), you may recall that last year an application was made to Government for a loan under its Exceptional Finance Support programme. A “minded to” loan offer of £20m (repayable over 20 years) was received for the 2022/23 year. This is to be subject to an external finance and governance review of the Council, and a condition that it balances its 2023/24 budget by the end of September 2022, and also in the expectation of future asset sales to avoid the need for further loans in both 2023/24 and 2024/25.

The Council administration has now identified assets across BCP (including in Christchurch) to the value of £20m which, (subject to agreement by full Council), will urgently be put on the market by auction, hoping for completed sales by 31st March 2023. We do not know how these assets were identified as the best ones to sell, as Cllrs. have only seen a confidential list with no reasoning given. We are asking questions about this. If sales are successful, it might avoid drawing down on the “minded to” £20m capitalisation loan. The external finance and governance reviews are still to go ahead shortly, to be made public once complete.


We are always available to assist you with Ward or Council matters. Our contact details are:


Cllr. Margaret Phipps – - Tel: 01202 478266

Cllr. Vanessa Ricketts – – Tel: 07760 391467

Planning Applications

There are two applications for "Proposed installation of BT Street Hub, incorporating two digital LCD advert screens".

8/22/0974/FUL and 8/22/0975/ADV - Location - Pavement outside Santander 24 High Street Christchurch BH23 1DH

8/22/0976/FUL and 8/22/0977/ADV - Location  - Pavement outside Subway 53 High Street Christchurch BH23 1AS

Christchurch Town Council has objected to both of these proposals. 

"The Interim Town Clerk advised Members that both proposals outside Santander (24 High Street) and Subway (53 High Street) were substantial erections (2,98-meter height, 0,35-meter depth, 1,23-meter width) that would provide free Wi-Fi, telephone calls and USB charging points. The Interim Town Clerk also reminded that two of the agreed wayfinding totems to be installed in February 2023 were very close to the proposed hubs outside Santander and Subway. Although Members agreed that wi-fi provision was a positive aspect for the town centre, they raised objection to the proposal at this location and position on the grounds of:
- Congestion of street furniture: Considering the wayfinding totems to be installed in February 2023, the proposals would further congest the pavement causing obstruction to pedestrians, people with wheelchairs, buggies and mobility scooters and would have a detrimental impact on the future use of the High Street during market days and public events with high footfall e.g., the Food Festival.
- Detrimental impact on the conservation area of the High Street due to the illuminated nature of the proposal, and the proximity to several listed buildings. - Obstructing the use of existing bus stops and taxi stops outside Santander. - Incompliance with existing policies:
  • Christchurch and East Dorset District Council adopted Core Strategy (April 2014): CH1 Christchurch Town Centre Vision, HE1 Valuing and Conserving our Historic Environment, and HE2 Design of New Development.
  • Christchurch Borough Local Plan (Saved Policies): BE4 New Development in Conservation Areas, and BE15 Setting of Listed Buildings.
  • Christchurch Borough Council’s draft Supplementary Planning Guidance for Christchurch Shopfronts and Advertisement Design Guide of 2005
– which highlights the avoidance of excessive and illuminated advertising in historic areas.
Members discussed that more appropriate places in the town centre should be considered for the BT Hubs where the installations would create less intrusion and congestion.

The application outside Subway was refused on the 11th January.

Links and Contact Details

Planning Applications

You can find the Planning Applications and Decisions for the Christchurch area of BCP on our website which will be updated weekly.

Appeals can be viewed on the Appeals Casework Portal


Councillors | Christchurch Town Council (

BCP Council Commons ward -

FSCH - Friends of St. Catherine's Hill
Website and Programme of Events

HOTH - Hall on the Hill
Website and Upcoming Events

West Christchurch Neighbourhood Policing Team

PCSO for Christchurch West - Anna Lillywhite

JSCHRA committee members

Our membership has fallen since Covid prevented us from our preferred face to face collection of subscriptions so we would like to remind everyone how to subscribe. The membership fee is due in April each year and remains at one pound per household.


  • To pay by inter-bank transfer send your contribution to account: Jumpers & St Catherine's Hill Residents Association, account number 92732106, sort code 40-13-07. Don't forget to use your address as a reference.
  • To pay by post or hand deliver send your contribution together with a note of your address to Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill Residents Association at 83 Hillside Drive, Christchurch, BH23 2SZ.



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Community Matters is produced and edited by a team of local residents who try to present you with the facts that will both keep you informed and enable you to make up your own mind on local issues
Jumpers and St Catherine's Hill RA
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Our mailing address is:
Jumpers and St Catherines' Hill Residents Association
83 Hillside Drive
Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2SZ
United Kingdom

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